Monday, October 31, 2005

RadRails 0.4

RadRails 0.4 is out.

I am still having the same database connection problem though. I found this post on Sam Ruby's blog that describes my problem but there is still no solution.

I also ordered Agile Web Development with Rails and Programming Ruby (2nd. Ed.) to further my knowledge on Ruby on Rails.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Setting up Rails in Eclipse

It has been a while since my last post. I tried to use with Eclipse but there seems to be a problem with connecting to the database. I think it has something to do with the new password encryption scheme that MySQL uses. Every time I try to start the web server, it complains about not being able to connect to the database. But the web site actually work and I can get data back from the database. I also not able to create scaffolding since it can't connect to the database. I haven't look deeply to see what is the real reason for the failure yet.

I also found this website that has instructions on how to setup Rails for Eclipse on Windows. I don't see a reason why these instruction wouldn't work in a Linux environment with some minor changes.

Hopefully, I will find sometime to give these instructions a try.