Saturday, May 05, 2007

NetBeans IDE 6.0 M9 is out

I just saw that NetBeans 6 Milestone 9 was released. Go here to see all the changes for M9. There are many new features added for Javascript. You can edit embedded Javascript and CSS inside HTML/JSP. Of course, there are new features for Ruby editing.

Here is the list of changes for Ruby from the site.

  • Advanced code editing: Code completion, Documentation Popup, Semantic highlighting (such as unused local variable coloring), Parameter Hints, Instant Rename, Goto Declaration, Live Code Templates, Mark Occurrences, Reformatting, Pair Matching, Smart Selection, Surround With

  • Project support: Create and run files, run unit tests, run RSpec specifications, jump between files and their testcases, Ruby Gems support, ability to use any version of either JRuby or native Ruby

  • Ruby Debugger, including Rails debugging - run/step, breakpoints, local variables, call stack, thread switching, balloon evaluation, etc. Support for native fast debugging.

  • Ruby On Rails support: Code Generator wizard, Database Migrations, Rake Targets, Support for generator plugins, Jump between Action and View, RHTML highlighting

Download and try it out for yourself.

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