Monday, March 12, 2007

Derby does not support renaming column

-- rename_column(:users, :username, :user_name)
rake aborted!
rename_column is not implemented

Opps, I hit another snag when trying to rename username to user_name. Apparently, Derby does not allow renaming of column. I wiped out the database and started over but that is not a practical way to do thing going forward. I think my experiment with Derby is coming in an end here. I wonder why Sun is endorsing a database that is missing such fundamental feature. I don't remember using a database that does not support renaming of column. I guess there is a first for everything.

Now, I regretted that I read, "If You Thought Rails Development Was Fast Before...". I wouldn't have tried Derby without reading that article. It should be renamed to "If You Thought Rails Development Was Fast Before... Here Is How To Slow Yourself Down". I know it is a cheap shot but that article really make me think that I would be more productive using Derby as my development database.


gworack said...

i tried rename a column and i found this blog

Anonymous said...

This has been fixed for a while: